Friday, September 22, 2006

Cárie no Modem

Esta é fresquinha, fresquinha...

- Cliente: Hello! I just want to say that I have an appointment scheduled for today at 2:00 PM but someone from your services called me a few minutes ago and left a voicemail message rescheduling it to 2:30 PM. I just want to say I heard the message and I have no problem with that.
- Eu: Ok. Can you please tell me your client number, Miss?
- Cliente: Client number? I don't know my client number...
- Eu: No problem. Is this contract in your name?
- Cliente: Contract?
- Eu: Er... Yes... The internet contract.
- Cliente: Internet? This isn't the dentist?
- Eu: Er... No, it isn't...
- Cliente: Ooops! Sorry... Bye! (tu tu tu)


Rivera said...

Vocês também não têm um pingo de boa vontade, então não podiam arranjar alguém por aí que tratasse do dente ao cliente...

Anonymous said...
